Double-Sided Printed TactileDisplay
Humans can perceive tactile sensation through multimodal stimuli. To demonstrate realistic pseudo tactile sensation for the users, a tactile display is needed that can provide multiple tactile stimuli. In this paper, we have explicated a novel printed tactile display that can provide both the electrical stimulus and the electrostatic force. The circuit patterns for each stimulus were fabricated by employing the technique of double-sided conductive ink printing. Requirements for the fabrication process were analyzed and the durability of the tactile display was evaluated. Users' perceptions of a single tactile stimulus and multiple tactile stimuli were also investigated. The obtained experimental results indicate that the proposed tactile display is capable of exhibiting realistic tactile sensation and can be incorporated by various applications such as tactile sensation printing of pictorial illustrations and paintings. Furthermore, the proposed hybrid tactile display can contribute to accelerated prototyping and development of new tactile devices.
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Kunihiro Kato, Hiroki Ishizuka, Hiroyuki Kajimoto, and Homei Miyashita. Double-sided Printed Tactile Display with Electrostimuli and Electrostatic Forces and its Assessment. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'18), Paper No.450, (2018). (Acceptance rate 25.7%) [DOI] [PDF] [Video]
Kunihiro Kato, Homei Miyashita, Hiroyuki Kajimoto, and Hiroki Ishizuka. Tactile Element with Double-sided Inkjet Printing to Generate Electrostatic Forces and Electrostimuli. The Adjunct Publication of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'17 Adjunct), pp.31–33, (2017). (Acceptance rate 67.5%) [DOI] [PDF] [Video]
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